Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Andrew's Journal Day 20

Today I woke up at 3:55 AM and cooked eggs for me and Barbara, as well as packed my bag and got some Gatorade mixed up for the trip.  When we hit the road it was still pitch black out and we needed flashlights at some points to see.  We began walking with one of the local boys (Dan) who we agreed to let come and told him we would pay his fees in Mbale and on the matattoo back.  When we told him this, he was absolutely ecstatic.  Despite Mbale being the only major city around, Dan has never been and would never be able to afford this small trip himself.  It would be like some one living in New Jersey and never having gone to the beach.  Then we met Abraham (an older student at the program) because we agreed to take him as well.  Then we met Moses, our guide for the day and set off.  The views were unbelievable as we went through the road that had about a million hills.  We walked for what seemed like forever (actually 3 and a half hours) until we reached Pasano.  We had tea and biscuits there and then set back off.  After passing by about a million kids on the back roads (all of which yelled Mzunga at me), and adults who all called me Rooney because apparently I look like the English soccer player because we are both white with buzz cuts.  After 2 and a half more hours we finally reached Mbale.  My legs were throbbing but I was happy I did it.  Then we went to lunch, ran a couple errands, and Abraham, Dan, and myself took a matattoo home.  Dan had never been on a matattoo either and although I think they’re terrible, he had a blast.  When we got back Dan sang I went to Mbaleeee for about an hour and then I ate dinner and went to bed.  It was a tiring but rewarding day.

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