Monday, May 18, 2009

Bobby's journal 5/7/09


             Today I woke up, had breakfast and went down to help out in the computer class.  They needed to give a presentation to the class about how to use Microsoft Word on the computer.  They were having trouble with basic things like indenting and how to get a new line to write on.  I taught Max how to get the words from one side of the screen to the other.  He couldn’t figure out how to underline, and why certain words were bold and others italicized.  After computer class, I played monkey in the middle with Dan and Allan with a soccer ball.  Henry and his family were going home so we said our goodbye’s and then went on three house visits.  We hitched a ride on a Pepsi truck that was carrying empty glass bottles, and cases of unopened soda.  We sat in the back of the truck on top of the empty bottles and waved to everyone as we drove by.  When we got off, we went up to Helen’s house.  After picking up Helen, we walked to three different houses.  The first house we went to was a 1 room building with a tiny kitchen in the back.  There was one bed, and the child had a sick grandmother who struggled just getting out of bed and outside.  The second family we visited was a girl named Cassava.  Her house was a little better.  She lived with 5 or 6 other people and had a slightly bigger house.  The third kid we visited was Charles.  Charles was wearing a Mt. Airy baseball shirt! He lived with many other kids and his mother.  After doing the house visits we rode motorcycles home.  Geno was at the house when we came home.  He wrote out a song and wrote a verse for me to sing. It didn’t really make any sense but it was fun nonetheless.  After dinner we watched “Their Eyes Were Watching God.”  We started dosing off so we stopped watching half way through the movie.  

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